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A true vintage timepiece, the Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) 1970s Seiko DP 690 flip clock here - with working alarm and night light functions - serves as a helpful analog reminder to put your smart phone down.


The DP 690, made in Japan specifically for the Japanese market, features quite iconic (and retro) block numbers that “flip” into place, telling time by numbers sequentially revealed by a split-flap display.  From the bold red and black color scheme to the huge alarm "plunger" Seiko put on top, this flip clock is a striking piece of retro engineering. 


The clock features a striking, and yet simple, rectangular red and black plastic housing, with standard black tiles with white digits.  The time display is an old-style, 12-hour only clock, sans AM and PM nomenclature.  The display is lit at night by a small orange light under the flip display, and time is set by the circular wheel on the right side of the clock, which is spun counterclockwise to the desired time. 


The wheel shaped alarm selector can be found directly at the front of the clock and is rolled upward to set the desired alarm time.  To set the alarm, the alarm selector on the top of the clock must be depressed so it pops out – revealing the “ALARM” white wording above the case of the clock.  The alarm is deactivated by pressing the alarm button down.


Of note, the ALARM button is in English on this Seiko DP 690, despite it being a JDM-only clock; mixing English and Japanese is not uncommon in modern Japan (to include during the 1970s).  Regardless, the warning label on the bottom is written in Japanese, with a 50/60 Hz selector switch on the back.

1970s Seiko DP 690 Flip Clock, w/U.S. Current Adapter

  • Although this Seiko flip clock runs on Japanese standard current (100V), we will provide a seperate new voltage transformer - a $40 value - to allow the current to be stepped up to U.S. standard (120V). 


    This Seiko DP 690 measures six inches in width by three inches deep by three inches tall. 

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